There is a lot to consider after an accident. You may have apparent injuries that need immediate care in addition to needing to care for others who were in the accident.
In some cases, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be easy to overlook, especially if there are no clear signs of head trauma, like cuts or bruises. However, when it comes to head trauma, it is essential to get the appropriate medical attention right away.
Here’s what you should know about spotting the early signs of a brain injury so you can get the support you need to recover.
Knowing what to look for
In the hours and days after an accident, it can be easy to dismiss symptoms as being from stress from the accident. Therefore, it is essential to trust your loved ones when they mention that something is different. Your loved one may mention warning signs, such as:
- Increased irritation
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Behavioral changes
- Difficulty waking from sleep
While these are not definitive indicators of a traumatic brain injury, when you or a loved one mentions these symptoms, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your healthcare provider.
What’s the prognosis of a TBI?
There is a broad spectrum of traumatic brain injuries. While some only require minor rehabilitation, others could require surgery. A severe TBI could lead to coma if left untreated.
In most cases, the sooner you can get treatment for your TBI, the better your chances are of a successful recovery. While you may have lasting effects from your injury, you can improve your prognosis with immediate and proper support.